Portfolio Detail

Xray Center, which has been producing security equipment, conveyor bands and xray devices for more than 20 years, entered the renewal process in order to expand its customer portfolio and to provide better service to its existing customers.
In this context, the company changed its logo, machine designs, website and representation targets.
Although Xray Center exports to more than 40 countries in the world, it wanted to become a more effective and well-known company in Turkey and around the world. It aimed to carry out a transformation in line with the new generation with the developing technology and to provide modernization from its logo to its corporate understanding.
A new logo was first designed for Xray Center, corporate colors and fonts were determined. A website with a modern look was designed to better express itself to its customers.

These two figures were combined and turned into a brand symbol, starting from children, who are the most demanding element of security measures today, and airports where the strictest measures are taken open to the public. The website was opened with these images, and these images were used in catalog and promotional activities.

This both gave the brand a warm impression and created awareness by identifying with the brand. Just below this area, information such as the company’s achievements, experiences, and the number of customers and employees were given. This helped customers from the Google search engine or advertisements learn about the company’s history.
With its headquarters and factory in Istanbul and its branch in New York, the company exports security equipment to more than 40 countries in the world, for high security official institutions and public areas such as shopping malls, stadiums, concerts, stations, airports where the public is concentrated. manufactures in different sizes and features.

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